About Us
Find out more about who we are and what we do. Read about us.
Contact Us
Drop us a line or get on our mailing list. Contact us.
Get Involved
There are many ways to become involved with Girl Friday Productions and we would be delighted to hear from you!
Ways to Contribute
Audition: Girl Friday Productions holds open auditions for all of its biennial projects. Auditions are generally held in the fall for the upcoming year’s production. Audition notices are placed on www.minnesotaplaylist.com.
Join the production team: We work with established veterans as well as rising talents. Designers who wish to submit their resumes should first get in touch with us using the contact form on our website.
Volunteer: Depending upon the performance venue, Girl Friday Productions has need of volunteer ushers and greeters during the run of its shows. Please use our contact form if you would like to be added to this list.
Come to a play reading: Girl Friday holds occasional public play readings, which offer a great way to give feedback about shows that we are considering for future production. Watch our website and Facebook page for details.
See the show and share it: Audience feedback and word-of-mouth are crucial to building audiences and to evaluating our productions. Please join us for a production and share your comments on Facebook and Twitter.
Donate: As with any small, non-profit theatre company, ticket sales cover only a portion of our costs. Gifts from individuals are crucial to our success and we welcome your support! Girl Friday Productions is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. Donate now.