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Give to the Max Day

Girl Friday Productions Announces a Leadership Transition

“Make voyages! Attempt them! There’s nothing else.” 
—Tennessee Williams, CAMINO REAL

With a nod to 20 years of remarkable theatrical voyages, Girl Friday Productions is proud and delighted to celebrate its legacy and announce new artistic leadership for the future. Effective January 1, 2025, founding Artistic Director Kirby Bennett will be passing artistic leadership to incoming Artistic Director Megan K. Pence.


“I will be forever grateful to our theatrical community of dedicated artists and passionate audience members who have made Girl Friday possible. Their considerable talents, time, resources, and attention have created truly memorable theatrical experiences. And we look forward to more shared adventures ahead.” —Kirby Bennett


During this transition time, Kirby and Megan are working closely on all organizational tasks and details. Megan is an accomplished theatre director, actor, and arts administrator; her full bio follows below. Moving forward, Kirby will continue to perform on the local theatre scene and will serve Girl Friday in an advisory capacity.


Girl Friday has traditionally examined the human resilience, hope, and relevance found in classic American plays. With any transition comes change, and Girl Friday will continue to evolve and explore new approaches, a process already started with our most recent work.


“As we move into the future, I’m excited to expand the canon. It’s a great opportunity to explore contemporary themes and build on Girl Friday’s rock solid legacy.” —Megan Pence


Girl Friday is committed to our mission of nurturing artists, inspiring audiences, and illuminating the human condition. Our work will continue to be known for its humanity and stimulating theatricality. And we will always be dedicated to broad access to participation for artists and audiences, competitive artist compensation, and advancing opportunities for women artists.

Double Your Impact as you Help Fund Our Future


As we take this bold step, Girl Friday has a critical challenge grant of $3,000 for Minnesota’s annual “Give the Max” event. Early giving starts November 1. All gifts up to $3,000 will be matched by the challenge grant, helping us reach our $6,000 total goal.


Between November 1-21 make your donation here:

The past several years have been financially challenging for the performing arts. Your support will honor Girl Friday’s past and help us embark on inspiring new voyages to come!

Meet Megan K. Pence, Incoming Artistic Director

Currently the Managing Director for Lakeshore Players, Megan has served as the Director of Administration for the Commonweal Theatre and the Associate Director of Prairie Fire Theatre. Locally, she has also worked for Park Square, Stages, and CLIMB. Megan earned her MFA in Directing at Florida State University, at which she is still a freelance teaching assistant. Favorite directing credits include WITCH, GOOD PEOPLE, THE CLEAN HOUSE, and MARIE ANTOINETTE. Megan has flexed her acting muscles in numerous roles, playing Heidi in WHAT THE CONSTITUTION MEANS TO ME, Lady Bracknell in THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST, and Henrietta Leavitt in SILENT SKY.

About Girl Friday Productions

Girl Friday Productions’ mission is to nurture artists, inspire audiences, and illuminate the human condition. Girl Friday Productions historically has chosen to focus on a singular major project every other year. The company’s work is characterized by exceptional literature, humanity, relevance, and stimulating theatricality. Founded in 2004, Girl Friday Productions' most recent work includes MAIN STREET (2024 staged reading of a new theatrical adaptation by John Middleton from the Sinclair Lewis classic novel), LIFE SUCKS by Aaron Posner (2023-2024 co-production with Open Eye Theatre), WINTERLIGHT (2020 virtual program), THE SKIN OF OUR TEETH by Thornton Wilder (2019 Star Tribune, City Pages, Lavender Magazine critical acclaim), IDIOT’S DELIGHT by Robert Sherwood (2017 Lavender Magazine notable performances), and THE MATCHMAKER by Thornton Wilder (2015 year-end recognition from Twin Cities Theatre Bloggers). Other highlights include CAMINO REAL by Tennessee Williams (2013 Lavender Magazine notable performances), STREET SCENE by Elmer Rice (2011 “Top Ten”/Year End Highlights in the Star Tribune, Pioneer Press and Lavender Magazine; Ivey Award for Director), THE SKIN OF OUR TEETH by Thornton Wilder (MinnPost “Favorite for 2009”) and OUR TOWN by Thornton Wilder (Pioneer Press’ “Top Ten Shows of 2007”).  


Listen In

Girl Friday Productions was delighted to be interviewed about our 2017 production of IDIOT’S DELIGHT for the January 2024 “All the Drama” podcast on! Host Janice Simpson provides extensive context about the play and playwright Robert E. Sherwood, and Girl Friday’s interview begins at the 15:11 mark.

© 2024 Girl Friday Productions. All rights reserved.

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